How To: Conserving Disk Space


 Certified iPod Trainer
Jan 22, 2007
Baton Rouge, La.
Thought I would go ahead and post another video.
It's another boring topic - but one that might come in handy for beginners.
If nothing else - maybe you can get a little giggle from it.

[ame=]Conserving Disk Space[/ame]
That would drive their profits in the ground!
But thank you for the kind words, sir.
And thanks for taking the time to watch and reply.
Take care.
I really hope you have music for that, and make it available for a download.

You rule!
Thanks, guys. Those comments made my night.
Thank you very much for taking the time to watch and to reply as well.
Y'all fuggin' rawk!
I tip my hat to you, sir.
I'm glad that you get a giggle from the videos ... but I am especially happy that I am able to show somebody something new.
Thank to you for watching and replying.
Stay tuned, and take care, sir.