How to get good positive phase (+1) recording guitars??


Feb 12, 2008
Hi, I'm using Revalver to record my guitars, but I don't know why, when I mix the guitars (double or quadtracked) I always get the phase around the zero level (there's no phase cancellation) but never near the +1 level.

I have tried all I know, changing mic positions, cabs, eq's, etc., using impulses, stereo imager's... But the results are always the same.
What can I do to solve this problem??

(I have the same problem using any other software like GR3)
Phase at 0 is good, cause it's a very wide stereo. The widest possible without going antiphase.
If you want it at +1, then don't double guitars, or don't pan them. So you have a nice mono signal ;)