How To Get Guitar World ?

Can't you buy it in a bookstore? Even in shithole like poland there is no problem with buying it.
Is it worth buying anyway? What's inside? I saw that in a store but it was sealed and I don't want to waste money on some magazine jsut because there is Laiho on the cover :)
Ralf said:
Is it worth buying anyway? What's inside? I saw that in a store but it was sealed and I don't want to waste money on some magazine jsut because there is Laiho on the cover :)

Well you get to read a whole Alexi Laiho interview plus you get a poster and some a bunch of pictures too, if you don't like that, then buy it because of the Steve Vai excersises, those are worth the money by themselves.....
It's a pretty pathetic interview by the way. "COB became superstars in Europe, playing stadiums..." Yeah, sure. Alexi tells the guy exactly that kind of stuff what the Americans want to hear. A lot about his suicide attempt with drugs and also the answer to the rockstar lifestyle with the groupie comment. And then the title "The super guitarists show you how to play the impossible!" Totally ridicolous.
Looks like some re-heated crap in the microwave...

A couple of months ago...the section "Getcha can't play this f00l!" was with Björn Gelotte from In Flames. I mean he's not bad...but I don't think he has his place in a guitar mag...Jesper does though.

Anyway...he played
The intro of My Sweet Shadow (huh...what a title) which is actually completely hidden behind electro-samples on the album.

I agree with you all, this cover is pathetic, and I wanna precise I don't seek Guitar World neither for the cover nor the poster nor Laiho ... actually a slight bit for Laiho's page because he seemed to explain (in the only one I saw) some things about his way to write and build songs .. okay ... :cry:
About ebay, I can't imagine being each month looking for the last one ... trading with US-residents, each time a diferent guy ..
Actually I was talking about an alternative-way to suscribe ...

Thanks for the idea, anyway ..