How to go about making an album teaser?


Jordan Guthrie
Jan 22, 2011
Oklahoma, US
Hey guys, first off, I wasn't really sure where to put a thread like this so if it should be somewhere else I apologize. I'm wanting to make a teaser for an album I'm working on. What do you think is the best way to do it? Just have a couple riffs from each song, or is there a better way? I've seen a lot of teasers on YouTube, most used different methods of showing samples, some played 30 seconds of each song and some only played a couple riffs. So basically, I guess what I'm asking is what is the most appealing form of teaser to you?
Thanks! :)

EDIT: I made a quick example with a riff or two from each song, would something like this suffice?
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I find your sections to be too short, and there is never a transition from one riff to the next. Most songs are probably similar so not much use to hear a riff from every song, I would rather try to give a representation of the different elements on the album i.e. slowest/fastest part, epic/brutal part, clean singing/growls etc.
Probably the best way is to have a friend listen to it, whatever parts he likes at first hearing, make the teaser from those.