How to master every song the same on a CD


New Metal Member
Nov 14, 2012
hey guys, I'm wondering if theres and tricks of the trade, or tips what have you for helping along to way to ensure that all your tracks come out sounding similar enough. I mean obviously theres mix settings that you can start with, And i've made a template of my layout for these mixes, but some of them just come out different. one sounds really good, one i cant seem to get the compression to not swell with it.

im thinking a big thing is that i forgot what bass tone i used in the mix i like, and cant recreate it perfectly.

can you guys listen and help out with tips etc?

Also just looking for feedback.

Ghost to Me


Could you upload the 3 tracks via a click n play link? I´ve had problems with that some time ago.. I know the situation: you mix in your template, everything is coming together real nice, but things are likely going to change, so you´ll have to re-save/re-create your template basically all the time.
For example; I´m recording an EP and they want me to mix it. After tracking/editing etc etc i make a mix template and mix all the tracks in one session. Then it basically comes down to automating. It works real nice for me and it beats having to open 5 sessions (still an EP) to change the settings. Hope i could help!
that does make some sense.

:) so youre saying after i mix them individually, setup a template like that. whichever one i want to use anyway.... then insert all the tracks, and make it one big file and mix it all together?


I actually have a buddy who mixes his bands eps all on one track from the GET go. and i think I'd like to do that... but im too lazy and keep forgetting. plus the songs we usually make, start off as just simple ideas.