How to remove the tone pot from the circuit?


Nov 13, 2006
Chile - La Serena
I really don't know much about guitar wiring. I don't use the tone knob and if by removing the capacitor from the circuit makes the guitar a bit brighter then in this case is a plus.

Circuit ( 2 vol - 1 tone ) S.Duncan pickups

Tone pot

What cable i suposse to cut?
Oh i see. EC-1000 with Duncan pickups (Distortion on birdge-Alnico 2 pro on the neck) 3 way switch , 2 volume and 1 tone control ( for both pups).
Seymour Duncan has a list of configurations and wiring diagrams on their site that may help you see how exactly it is wired and how you could remove it from the circuit path.
Yeah, I just need better pictures to be able to follow the wires to tell you what to cut. If the path is pickups -> volume pots -> switch -> tone -> output then it's harder, but if it's pickups -> volume pots -> switch -> output with the tone connected to the center switch lug or the outputs 'hot' terminal, then you can just cut the wire between the tone pot and the switch or output.
Why is different if the circuit goes : pickups-volume pots-switch-tone-output? If i kill the tone im gonna get no output i guess?
not sure if you care anymore, or if you figured it out...
but I've wired a gtr or 2 million in my day and thought I'd chime in.

looks like third lug of tone control is empty... should be able to just clip the cap from lug 1 to ground(top of pot) and this will bypass tone cap. Even if the live were to be caried to jack via lug 2/3 clipping the cap-to-ground won't stop the signal.

I'd say just desolder it and put a shrink tube on it, that way you can try it out and put it back easily if you should decide.
