how to scream like peter

Dec 29, 2004
I can growl like a motherfucker but growling is nothing without good screams and I really like Peter's. Anyone here knows how he does it, or if you know how to scream in a similar style than his post some tips.
I play bass and growl back up vocals in a melodic metal band and I can growl or scream like a lot of people but the hardest thing to do is to scream like peter or tomas lindberg from at the gates. both of them have a a wierd low end with high pitch screaming behind it... it's wierd. I can scream/growl like olve eikemo (abbath) from immortal but it's hard to get your voice to sound like tomas or peter... it's wierd...
i play bass also and i kinda can scream and growl like peter....
more blacky voice, growling isnt hard... black screams are alot harder.
uhmmm i dont really know how to explain it but i'll try
like from deep throut and scream loud and reep ur voise apart