How to setup headphones mixes


Prettiest Hair Around
Oct 31, 2006
How would you set up a headphone mix so each player in the band hears a different mix while tracking? I have cubase 6.5, a firepod, and a presonus hp4 4 channel headphone amp. I don't see how it's possible to do that with this gear. Would it be possible to do even two different headphone mixes? How do you guys do it?
what would you recommend? Also, generally how many different headphone mixes do you need when you record bands?
I mean each band member being able to hear the mix differently. Like say the drummer wants to hear the bass more than the guitars, but the vocalist wants something else brought up in the mix. What do you guys do? Do you just have every band member hear the exact same mix?
It seems like you are talking about a live situation where everyone is playing at the same time.

Are you tracking or jamming? Give us more details so we can help you on what you really want to achieve in the end.
live that is usually done via aux faders. if you have an interface with only 1 or 2 headphone outputs, that is all you can do (1 or 2 hp monitor mixes). or if the interface have a couple of line output pairs, (like Saffire 40 for ex.) that is also you can use.
I'm talking about a live recording where all the members are playing at once. I would like to be able to have everyone play but only record the drums to the master and then go back and track the rest of the band individually. Or just record the entire band live. Either way, it would be nice if they could each have control over what they want to hear in the mix. What do you guys typically do? Do you just have all the band members hear the exact same thing?
that is not what usually people around here do. mostly it's one player at the time kinda thing.

but as i said, you have to have hardware options available for what you want. saffire 40 is one example, there are couple of them more. or you can use a mixer board with at least 4 aux faders and 4 external headphone amplifiers (that way you can make 4 separate monitor submixes), and only record drum channels.
Yeah, basically you need an interface with multiple outputs. Outs 1-2 will be your monitors, then make some aux tracks withing your daw. As many as you need, and set each aux to the relative set of outputs (3-4, 5-6 etc) then all you have to do it create sends to these aux tracks as you please. For example you send +6db from the drum bus to outs 3-4, but only +1db to outs 5-6. That's how I have mine setup anyway.
Cue mix can be done with your DAW using send. But you need as many DA stereo out as musicians.
Or it can be done sending sub mixed instrument cue to an Hearback/Axiom.

Generally I prefer to have control over what the musician hearing because I get better performance this way...
I've tracked bands live, but I do it all in one room, so only the drummer really needs phones if there's a click or your recording the amps low volume. I've always thought having more mixes would be good for some things, but generally I haven't NEEDED more than one mix so far.
Use the line outs for more mixes. Create aux tracks in your DAW and set their outputs to those line outs. I've used a cheap headphone amp, my firefaces heaphone out and a small 4 channel mixer with headphone out (being fed one of the line outs from the interface) to be able to give bands 3 different mixes.

I want to get one of those 4 channel headphone amps where each has it's own input. They're generally pretty cheap and it's nice to be able to offer bands decent different mixes.

I've done lots of recordings where I use a headphone amp with 1 input and 4 outs of the same mix with their own volume control feeding phones for a band playing together live. They have to make a compromise with the mix but it's never been such a problem that it got in the way of getting a good take, particularly if it's only for real drums and guide guitars/bass/vocals.