How to tell if you're too drunk to fuck... or do anything else


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia

"BUREAUCRATS have drawn up an official list of intoxication symptoms, so pub owners can tell when patrons are drunk.

Among the 39 steps towards drunkenness are: "bumping into furniture", "sleeping at a bar or table" and "inability to find one's mouth with a glass".
The intoxication guidelines, drawn up by the New South Wales Office of Liquor and Gaming, were distributed to club and pub managers last week. Staff are supposed to use them in determining when to refuse alcohol to patrons.
Drafted in response to tough new liquor laws introduced in NSW, the guidelines also recommend that clubs and pubs provide free food and bottled water to drinkers, in a bid to curb alcohol-related violence.
Under the laws, managers are required to remove drunk patrons from the premises and stop them from re-entering for 24 hours - or face an $11,000 fine.
Number one on the list of 39 signs of intoxication is slurred words, followed by rambling or unintelligible conversation.
Bar staff are also urged to be on the lookout for patrons fumbling change, being rude, argumentative and aggressive, and those who cannot stand or who fall down.
Club patrons seen as "overly friendly" or exuberant could also soon find themselves shown the door, as will those who vomit.
If a patron fails to leave, managers have been advised to contact police in order to avoid being fined.
The department said the guidelines were drafted to help bar staff form a reasonable belief that a person is intoxicated. However, it warned that the list was neither exhaustive nor conclusive.
The 39 signs of drunkenness are:
1. Slurring words
2. Rambling or unintelligible conversation
3. Incoherent or muddled speech
4. Loss of train of thought
5. Not understanding normal conversation
6. Difficulty in paying attention
7. Unsteady on feet
8. Swaying uncontrollably
9. Staggering
10. Difficulting walking straight
11. Cannot stand or falling down
12. Stumbling
13. Bumping into or knocking over furniture and people
14. Lack of co-ordination
15. Spilling drinks
16. Dropping drinks
17. Fumbling change
18. Difficulty counting money or paying
19. Difficulty opening doors
20. Inability to find one's mouth with a glass
21. Rudeness
22. Agression
23. Belligerent
24. Argumentative
25. Offensive
26. Bad tempered
27. Physically violent
28. Loud or boisterous
29. Confused
30. Disorderly
31. Exuberance
32. Using offensive language
33. Annoying or pestering others
34. Overly friendly
35. Loss of inhibition
36. Inappropriate sexual advances
37. Drowsiness or sleeping at a bar or table
38. Vomiting
39. Drinking rapidly"

:lol: I fucking love this! If that's a guideline for being pissed, some people must be pissed all the time, including me. What if you're just an unco-ordinated, curmudgeonly clod who converses in mumbles and can't keep your lunch down? Or what if you're an unapologetic, obnoxious show-off who likes the ladies? As if a bar worker can't tell when someone's drunk. How much did this madness cost?
Most thing on that list are me SOBER, I tend to normalise the more I drink :lol:

All because, you see, I am deaf on my right side due to nerve damage, therfore making me speak loud, and have fuck all balance at times
what about number 40?

Unconrolled urges to tell your mates you love i mean it.........really love them
I like #17. Fumbling change. I do that all the time. I want to see what their list for "suspicious-looking people" is like.

1. Has tattoos
2. Wearing a hoodie
3. Wearing hi-tops
4. Wearing black jeans
5. Has a beard
6. Wears a beanie (if wearing a beanie and a hoodie, with the hood pulled up, arrest immediately)
7. Cupping hand over phone while talking into it
8. Aggressive behaviour
9. Sullen, sneaky-looking demeanour
10. Rude
11. Talking loudly
12. Talking softly
13. Shifting weight from one foot to the other while waiting outside bank
14. Long overcoat
15. White baseball cap
16. Driving a W-RX
17. Has P-plates on car

That's all I could come up with in a minute or so. I'm sure there's a lot more.

Oh, I forgot this one:

Of Middle-Eastern or Mediterranean appearance.
We had our office planing day in Sydney on Tuesday & Wednesday which involved am overnite stay, so a few people got on the drink. One guy hes all cock and ribs and seasoned drinker when outside for a smoke at the 3 wisemonkeys, stumbled on the steps and the way back in was refushed entry hhehehhe. Well me i was well behaved and in bed by 11.00... Nice room we had on the 75th floor of World Tower ....