how would you like....(earforce content)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
we're just playing with the idea of having a 1 channel low power recording version of my sig amp.
it'd have the same tone as the big one but a 25W poweramp and only one channel.
that would keep the costs really low (thinking about 6505 range).
It would still be PTP handwired made in Germany from only the highest quality materials of course.

so essentially it would be a low watt 1ch model of my sig amp, no FX loop, no footswitch, just straight and pure tone....what would you guys think of such an amp?

also, atm I'm favoring a full-size chassis for such an amp...actually not liking the looks of a tiny head on a 4x12, anyone disagree?

EDIT: in case you don't kow what amp I'm talking's the model it'll be based on:
No FX loop and no footswitch? :(
I wouldn't see any other use for such thing than reamping bands in studios and to be honest, I'm not sure this market is very big.

well, the "regular" model will have a switchable parallel loop and 2 channels.
The idea was actually to have an amp dedicated to recording boutique quality metal tones for a fair price.

So there'd be 2 different models, one for live (2ch, loop, 50/100W) and the small one for recording and club gigs for less money.
Always thought something like this would be a great idea. If you manage to actually give it the same tone as the bigger brother, and not scaled down, I think you may have yourself a winner!

well, that would be a must.
the preamp would be exactly the same (minus the clean channel, but those channels are completely seperated anyways, so it'll be the same), just the poweramp will be scaled down (wattage wise).

so other than that both amps would have the very same sound for distorted tones
I dunno, when you say 6505 price range (and I'm assuming you mean "new 6505 in Deutschland" price range), a low-wattage 1 ch. amp without an FX loop is kind of a tough pill to swallow - don't suppose he (the builder) could ditch some of the "super premium" components and PtP wiring that probably make like a 5% difference in tone to bring the price down?
I dunno, when you say 6505 price range (and I'm assuming you mean "new 6505 in Deutschland" price range), a low-wattage 1 ch. amp without an FX loop is kind of a tough pill to swallow - don't suppose he (the builder) could ditch some of the "super premium" components and PtP wiring that probably make like a 5% difference in tone to bring the price down?

dunno if he could, but I wouldn't wanna have my name on there.
there are enough small low-watt tubeamps that sound cool already.
the idea behind this is to have a boutique handwired PTP amp that sounds KILLER.
try to get that anywhere in the price range of a 6505.
after all noone is using the clean channel of his recto/6505/krank anyways (well, at least not on this board), so everyone has essentially paid the same or more for a "1ch" amp that is not handwired PTP.
well, tbh I don't care if it's ptp or pcb, but I care for tone and that's what got me hooked on these amps, the tone is just so direct it really jumps at you...wouldn't wanna sacrifice that by using lower quality parts etc.

also the "in the 6505 price range" was just MY estimate, haven't talked to them about a possible sale price, but seeing that their 1ch 50w version is only 1300 I guess my 25W would perhaps even be cheaper.

but so far that's all ideas and theory, just playing around with the thought and trying to find out if anyone would be interested in such an amp.
it will NOT be a budget amp, it'll be the same killer tone as the higher-watted brother.
I'm just concerned on the low power ratings - el84's sound grossly different than 6L6's - would you be running a single 6L6 then?

yeah, gonna do some testing there, definitely no el84. single 6L6 wouldn't work (push-pull)

I'd test 6v6 ...the same tone (or 99% the same) as the big brother is a MUST for this to happen, and it'll only happen (if at all) if that can be guaranteed. I loath compromises
Well, I'm sorry but I disagree on that :)
But anyways it's more the absence of an FX Loop that would be the issue for me.

as I said, there WILL be a 2ch model with a footswitchable FX loop as well.
this small head would just be an option for people who don't use clean channels and loops anyways (hence the tag "recording" amp).
If one needs the loop and another channel there's still the "big" model.
Not necessarily - if it was a single-ended amp with no phase inverter, you can run a single 6L6 or EL34 at about 10w, but a 6V6 would probably sound better because of it's design for audio.

yup, but that would be a different design from the mother-model.
I wanna keep it as similar as possible...I've never liked single ended amps for metal.
neither did I like any of the 5W amps, amp has to be suitable for downtuned highain metal, so I don't wanna go lower than 25W push pull.

that's actually the problem I'm having with all these small amps, they always sounded too much like a comprimise IMO.
I'm a zero compromise person ;)
No footswitching and no FX-loop would be absolute deal-breakers for me personally because the smaller weight and size is exactly what makes them so attractive for playing live/touring.

I much more appreciate the added head-room of full-sized heads for studio purposes, as quite some low-wattage versions suffer a bit from "lack of balls" compared to their bigger brothers. Not THAT much in my experience (also depending on how scaled-down the powersection is), but I'm rather open to slightly compromise live-tone than studio-tone.

The sweet spot of a 25 watts head is not gonna be that much more quiet than usable levels with a 100 watts head in my experience, so the "quieter recording and practising" argument doesn't hold up so well either.

Just my 2 cents...

But I think it's great that you're searching for possibilities to make "that sound" affordable to more people.
as I said, there WILL be a 2ch model with a footswitchable FX loop as well.
this small head would just be an option for people who don't use clean channels and loops anyways (hence the tag "recording" amp).
If one needs the loop and another channel there's still the "big" model.
Sure, but here we're talking about the interest or not in that particular amp. And what I'm saying (but I may be totally wrong, it's just my idea) is that there are probably not gonna be many people in that market. If the price range is about the same as the 6505, people will prefer the 6505 with its loops, channels, sound and let's be honest about it, legend.
well, it's not meant to rival the sales of such a legend as the 6505 indubitably is, it'll never be mass produced or anything.
and of course I'm aware that such a head with limited features is not for everyone.

Headroom was actually my concern though....the "big" model will "only" have 50W and I wasn't too sure about that first...gigging and rehearsing with it convinced me otherwise.
So I'm positive that a 25W version won't compromise headroom/low frequency response (after all most 6505 for example are effectively not running more than 25W (at least not with the stock bias).
After all it's just a far there's no prototype of the small head, so all this is really just speculation. IF there'll be a 25w head it'd be guaranteed that it's got enough headroom for low tuned guitars at high volumes. tight bass response is a must for me.

this head wouldn't replace all the other great amps (I still love my Peaveys, Recto, Bogner etc), nor is it meant to replace anything.
it's meant to be a fucking awesome amp for heavy recordings...I don't wanna call it "1-trick-pony" since the EQ is really effective on these amps, but it's definitely not meant to be an amp for a top40 musician or anything....just a nice amp to have for metal artists and producers to offer a nice alternative to the classics.

let me put it this way....if there was a Recto with the same sound as the 2ch dual but with just one channel (red/modern) for 1/3 the price of the regular Recto..I'd be really interested.
that's the idea...offer THAT earforce tone for the people who don't wanna pay boutique prices but still want this tone and don't care for a loop and a chlean channel etc.

But as I said, don't interprete too much into this thread, so far this is really just's just that the hypothetical proposal of the company got me excited.
Lasse, why not a clean channel with a 'tone' knob only ? A clean circuit is very simple, not much components, and I dont believe a stripped-down clean channel would add much to the price (neither a simples solid state fx loop - 80 to 100 bucks maybe?)