Howard Dean is crazy!

Don't know which these three are (can't download mp3s at work), but the day after the speech, they were having a field day with it on Howard Stern. They were playing his speech over 'For Those About To Rock" with Artie repeatedly screaming "FIRE," it was killing me how funny it was.
The more time goes on, the more Bush scares me. We need someone that will concentrate on domestic issues, not third world countries.

And what's even more scary is that this,, seems to be coming true, and doesn't seem too far fetched.

Disclaimer: the link provided is most probably a hoax, but a very fun, yet eerie, read.
Dark One said:
Yep, make up your mind before you even know the canidate, that's exactly how everyone should always vote.:rolleyes:
i am of the opinion that a man will have to fuck up a lot worse than just scream in order for me to vote for a dumbass like bush. at this point, i'd rather elect varg vikernes president than an imperialist, illiterate, i'm-cutting-federal-spending-but-keep-sinking-billions-into iraq puppet like bush is.
Black Winter Day said:
i am of the opinion that a man will have to fuck up a lot worse than just scream in order for me to vote for a dumbass like bush. at this point, i'd rather elect varg vikernes president than an imperialist, illiterate, i'm-cutting-federal-spending-but-keep-sinking-billions-into iraq puppet like bush is.
Well, I didn't necessarily mean that you should keep your options open for Bush or anything. I mean, at this point you already know everything you need to know about him and have made up your mind that you can't stand him, which you have every right to. (Though calling an ivy league grad illiterate is going a tad overboard). I just meant in general, making up your mind to vote for someone when you're not even sure who it will be and what they will stand for seems just as silly as voting for someone you can't stand. I mean, it sounds like you're of the opinion that you're voting just to get Bush out of office, and I just think we need less people voting with that kind of mentality.

Myself? I really don't consider myself as being affiliated with any major political party, though I will admit I tend to agree more with the conservative side than the liberal side. However, good ideas are good ideas and I'm always willing to listen to what the candidates have to say before making up my mind. If I tend to agree more with a Libertarian or other type of Independent candidate, then they will get my vote, I don't care if the reality is that only a Republican or Democrat can win. It's my right and duty to vote for what I believe in, and that's exactly what I plan to do.
Dark One said:
Well, I didn't necessarily mean that you should keep your options open for Bush or anything. I mean, at this point you already know everything you need to know about him and have made up your mind that you can't stand him, which you have every right to. (Though calling an ivy league grad illiterate is going a tad overboard). I just meant in general, making up your mind to vote for someone when you're not even sure who it will be and what they will stand for seems just as silly as voting for someone you can't stand. I mean, it sounds like you're of the opinion that you're voting just to get Bush out of office, and I just think we need less people voting with that kind of mentality.

Myself? I really don't consider myself as being affiliated with any major political party, though I will admit I tend to agree more with the conservative side than the liberal side. However, good ideas are good ideas and I'm always willing to listen to what the candidates have to say before making up my mind. If I tend to agree more with a Libertarian or other type of Independent candidate, then they will get my vote, I don't care if the reality is that only a Republican or Democrat can win. It's my right and duty to vote for what I believe in, and that's exactly what I plan to do.

Oh, get off your high horse, I don't think I have a ladder that can reach you, so you'll have to come down. :D

There is nothing wrong with voting for anything but the current option just for the sake of it. When something is so inherently wrong as he is, "by any means necessary" becomes mantra.

Before you go into a tirade with me though, just remember, I have spent my entire life in the state he "governed," after his brief stint as the owner of the Texas Rangers team. Then he got bored, and decided play around doing something else.. he has a pattern of this in his life and it's only a matter of time...
Papa Josh said:
Oh, get off your high horse, I don't think I have a ladder that can reach you, so you'll have to come down. :D

There is nothing wrong with voting for anything but the current option just for the sake of it. When something is so inherently wrong as he is, "by any means necessary" becomes mantra.

Before you go into a tirade with me though, just remember, I have spent my entire life in the state he "governed," after his brief stint as the owner of the Texas Rangers team. Then he got bored, and decided play around doing something else.. he has a pattern of this in his life and it's only a matter of time...
Don't worry Papa J, I have no intention of getting into a tirade with you. Your views are well documented around here, and it would be pretty pointless to go through the motions.

Still, I don't really see what you mean by "high horse". My point was only that I feel you should vote for someone based on hearing what they have to say and making an informed opinion. I really meant nothing more, even if you feel it came across as holier than thou.

And when you say "something is so inherently wrong as he is", that is an opinion stated as if it were a fact. That's sounds "high horse" to me more than anything else.
I'm sorry if it upsets you, but the fact can't be disputed...

He's a bumbling idiot, a slave to the oil companies of the middle east and a puppet for American politics. He shows his might by sending young men and women to invoke an unprovoked attack on a country simply because they didn't compky with the wishes of the global police state aka the USA.

I love this country but fucking despise its government.

Papa Josh said:
I'm sorry if it upsets you, but the fact can't be disputed...

He's a bumbling idiot, a slave to the oil companies of the middle east and a puppet for American politics. He shows his might by sending young men and women to invoke an unprovoked attack on a country simply because they didn't compky with the wishes of the global police state aka the USA.

I love this country but fucking despise its government.

First, why are you even working under the premise that your opinions upset me? They don't, that's why they're opinions. You can spew them out all you want (and obviously do, since your left wing anti-Bush rhetoric permeates this board).

See, you can have all the opinions you want about him. I don't care if you think "BUSH IS A TERRORIST" and Bin Laden or Hussein or anyone else is not. I know you didn't say that, but my point is if you did feel this way, you have every right in the world to - I wouldn't agree with it, but I'm not trying to debate politics with you because A) It's pointless and B) I'd rather talk metal. But to call what you believe in any way shape or form a fact and act like anyone who disagrees is beneath you is just arrogant and rude.

I don't care how strongly you feel about something. Just because you feel so strongly about it does not make it so. See, that's the difference between us - I wouldn't call you wrong for believing what you believe, I simply choose to believe it or not for myself, and I really don't have a right to call you wrong or right, I simply agree or disagree.

You can cry, bitch, moan and get on your little soapbox all you fucking want. You can try and influence all the people you want with your views, and if you succeed, well, bully for you, but the simple truth that AN OPINION IS NOT A FACT remains.

No, I'm not upset at your views at all, just the fact that you think you can come in here and say that I am or that anyone else is wrong for disagreeing with them. Subjectivity is not objectivity no matter how you try and spin it.
Dark One said:
First, why are you even working under the premise that your opinions upset me? They don't, that's why they're opinions. You can spew them out all you want (and obviously do, since your left wing anti-Bush rhetoric permeates this board).

See, you can have all the opinions you want about him. I don't care if you think "BUSH IS A TERRORIST" and Bin Laden or Hussein or anyone else is not. I know you didn't say that, but my point is if you did feel this way, you have every right in the world to - I wouldn't agree with it, but I'm not trying to debate politics with you because A) It's pointless and B) I'd rather talk metal. But to call what you believe in any way shape or form a fact and act like anyone who disagrees is beneath you is just arrogant and rude.

I don't care how strongly you feel about something. Just because you feel so strongly about it does not make it so. See, that's the difference between us - I wouldn't call you wrong for believing what you believe, I simply choose to believe it or not for myself, and I really don't have a right to call you wrong or right, I simply agree or disagree.

You can cry, bitch, moan and get on your little soapbox all you fucking want. You can try and influence all the people you want with your views, and if you succeed, well, bully for you, but the simple truth that AN OPINION IS NOT A FACT remains.

No, I'm not upset at your views at all, just the fact that you think you can come in here and say that I am or that anyone else is wrong for disagreeing with them. Subjectivity is not objectivity no matter how you try and spin it.

And to think all of this started because you stated that people who vote with the mentality of voting just to oust Bush should be eliminated from the voting process.
Papa Josh said:
And to think all of this started because you stated that people who vote with the mentality of voting just to oust Bush should be eliminated from the voting process.
Uhhhh no. Don't use inference and put words in my mouth. I never stated they should be eliminated from the voting process at all - only that, in my opinion, voting just to oust ANYONE is not the way one should go about voting.

I know that tons of people who vote Democratic will vote for "Candidate X" just because the candidate is running against Bush. Also, tons of people who vote Republican have and will continue to vote the same way. That is reality. I wish it were not, but it is. It's the kind of mentality that has plagued this country's political processes for such a long time. A Democrat almost tends to look at a Republican as the enemy and vice versa, rather than as fellow freedom-loving Americans who simply have differing views over what's important to our great nation. It's so unhealthy. Most of us DO have our nation's best interests at heart, but this constant political bickering continues to divide us, and that's a damn shame.
Dark One said:
Uhhhh no. Don't use inference and put words in my mouth. I never stated they should be eliminated from the voting process at all - only that, in my opinion, voting just to oust ANYONE is not the way one should go about voting.

I know that tons of people who vote Democratic will vote for "Candidate X" just because the candidate is running against Bush. Also, tons of people who vote Republican have and will continue to vote the same way. That is reality. I wish it were not, but it is. It's the kind of mentality that has plagued this country's political processes for such a long time. A Democrat almost tends to look at a Republican as the enemy and vice versa, rather than as fellow freedom-loving Americans who simply have differing views over what's important to our great nation. It's so unhealthy. Most of us DO have our nation's best interests at heart, but this constant political bickering continues to divide us, and that's a damn shame.

In all fairness, you said.. "I mean, it sounds like you're of the opinion that you're voting just to get Bush out of office, and I just think we need less people voting with that kind of mentality."

Sounds like what I described.

Anyways, I agree with you in your analysis of some Dems and some Repubs, I am not either. I simply know BUSH is the enemy, I don't give a fuck what his affiliation is. It's pretty interesting that Colin Powel's remarks about there not being any WMDs in Iraq ever, is being downplayed severly in the media in favor of Dean and Kerry coverage...