First, why are you even working under the premise that your opinions upset me? They don't, that's why they're opinions. You can spew them out all you want (and obviously do, since your left wing anti-Bush rhetoric permeates this board).
See, you can have all the opinions you want about him. I don't care if you think "BUSH IS A TERRORIST" and Bin Laden or Hussein or anyone else is not. I know you didn't say that, but my point is if you did feel this way, you have every right in the world to - I wouldn't agree with it, but I'm not trying to debate politics with you because A) It's pointless and B) I'd rather talk metal. But to call what you believe in any way shape or form a fact and act like anyone who disagrees is beneath you is just arrogant and rude.
I don't care how strongly you feel about something. Just because you feel so strongly about it does not make it so. See, that's the difference between us - I wouldn't call you wrong for believing what you believe, I simply choose to believe it or not for myself, and I really don't have a right to call you wrong or right, I simply agree or disagree.
You can cry, bitch, moan and get on your little soapbox all you fucking want. You can try and influence all the people you want with your views, and if you succeed, well, bully for you, but the simple truth that AN OPINION IS NOT A FACT remains.
No, I'm not upset at your views at all, just the fact that you think you can come in here and say that I am or that anyone else is wrong for disagreeing with them. Subjectivity is not objectivity no matter how you try and spin it.