

New Metal Member
May 4, 2003
Sofia, Bulgaria
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Hi there, I'm new!

I've been a metal fan for something like 9 years (or so, I don't quite remember) and I live in Bulgaria. Started looking for a good site, since the only metal show here suddenly went dead and I needed something like to tell me what's up in the metal world. It's unbelievable - how come there are so many metal sites on the web? You'd think that bands like Darkthrone are as popular as Britney Spears. Anyway, most sites are crap (of course) and I'm glad I found this one, cause I was mostly looking for a good forum.

Ah, yes - nowadays I listen mostly to stuff like Darkthrone, Mayhem, and all the good Norwegian bands. Also old school death metal (Morbid Angel rule!) and a shitload of other music too, it would take days just to list all my fave bands.

That's all you need to know about me, now say hi :Smug: