How's this mix / master? (Metalcore, breakdowns)

Drums will change soon.

Guitar chain:
TSS > TSE x30 > Catharsis 1on-preshigh (impulse) > EQ (Hi pass @ 90hz, 4db boost at 5000hz)
lol? plain and simple, something isnt sitting right, either the guitars are too loud, or the drums have a much different texture (unnatural) compared to the guitar thats causing it to sound a bit awkward. Maybe try lowering the guitars down 1.5 DB or use some type of COMP to glue the guitars+drums. But like i said it might just be me.
The guitars sounds pretty nice :) but the drums need some work, try to low the overheads on the drums and ´make more bass at the kick and less punch, make the high freq lower...
Hope it helps :)
the song it cool man.

my thoughts on the drums

-Everything has to much attack and no low end following it ( so lower the over heads a tad, and boost the low end on the snare and kick a little)

the snare is what needs more of the low end i think it just sound like a little tic.

I understand that you want that metal , cicky kick but when you add a tad more low end to the kick drum it will really stand out in the double bass parts.

over all <\m/