How's this mix?

Do you have any compression on the guitars? If not definitely put some on. Balance is great except guitars sound alittle too quiet. maybe increase around 5khz a bit on guitars to make em a little more bright
Drums are Reason Drumkits refill. Jocke Skog rock kit tweaked quite a bit...different snare and cymbals, various eq and compression tweaks.

Guitars are my Schecter Blackjack with Bare Nuckle Miracle Man p'up into M-Audio Fast Track Pro into TSS, SoloC 1.12, Voxengo with a Mesa Oversized impulse from the Sperimental Impulse pack. Just a high pass and slight 5.5k boost on the guitar bus. Just 2 tracks.

Bass is my Fender Jazz Deluxe 5-string recorded direct and then with just EQ for the low end and the other through TSS with an extreme high-pass just for the upper grit.
Wow the drums has some very cool groove. I really like it, the guitarsound is a matter of taste, I think. I cannot write something negatives about the sound/mix. I think, it´s pretty cool :)