Hows this sound?


Bass Behemoth
Jun 13, 2004
Manchester, UK
Got a bit bored this morning and decided to start testing tones for my bands demos, here's the intro from "The End of Heartache" I threw it together using modified versions of Shane's BB and 5150 patches.

Guitar is an old Vantage LP copy with '74 Gibson hardware that cost £30, it's a real beast!!

The End of Heartache

The playing isn't perfect but I've not had sleep for 2 days so I'm sure you can forgive me!!

How's it sounding?

Thanks guys, I'm really digging the guitar tones I think I need to find a different bass patch though to blend in better.

I'll blame spending 15mins on the mix and my lack of sleep on the muddyness, will see what I can do when I'm not so tired!!
Sounds thick to me!!

I agree on the snare, it could be a bit more up there, or EQ'ed a bit sharper, but overall it sounds really nice!

This is a POD XT? on the guitars? what did you use for bass?
Thanks guys, I've re-mixed it slightly and have got the snare more prominant but after a little bit of EQ to clean up the bass I think I actually like the low end as it is...I'll have another listen back in a bit.

I might actually go all out and do the whole song, shouldn't be too hard since I couldn't even play a single riff from the song at 7am this morning!!

Bob - Bass is my POD XT Live as well, I've got the Bass model pack and used the L6 Super Thor model. No adjustments, just dialed in the amp and played. The bass itself was an active 4-string Peavey Millenium.
felipe-x said:

dont tell me that your band is Killswitch Engage????!!

I wish!! They are a big influence on our style and since we are keeping our own stuff close to our chests right now I thought I'd do this as an idea of how things will sound.

Edit - I'll get a new mix of this up in a few minutes
Edit - Maybe not, still got a few problems with the bottom end. I'll re-mix once it's finished.
Razorjack said:
I wish!! They are a big influence on our style and since we are keeping our own stuff close to our chests right now I thought I'd do this as an idea of how things will sound.

Edit - I'll get a new mix of this up in a few minutes
Edit - Maybe not, still got a few problems with the bottom end. I'll re-mix once it's finished.

so the file you upload it is a cover of them?