Humanity's Plague Prod. update/news!

Mar 14, 2007
We are honoured to announce two new battalions of irreverence to the swelling ranks of Humanity's Plague Prod. roster as well as a new avenue for the on & listen to the samples...

A mysterious entity from the shadows of France. A melancholic yet ceremonial beast that takes hopelessness and despair and makes it their crown of thorns upon a throne of pestilence. Gloomish, nightmarish and ritualistic all at the same time to give an identity that others may touch upon, that they claim as the integral focal point of their dark creations. For fans of the cast down, gloomy side of Merrimack and Azaghal.

A heinous creation from the fertile ground of Norway! An onslaught storming with viciousness and venom. GRAATINDR possess a sound that is reflective of a glorious past, echoing reflections of the early tyrants of what Norwegian Black Metal became notorious for yet manages to enhance the legendary aural trademarks with a raw and feral approach all their own. Those who favor scorching speed, blasphemous impiety and blatant disregard for what is held sacred in this world, shall find satisfaction in GRAATINDR. For fans of early Immortal, early Ulver, Taake and Kamfar.

A newcomer from the Belgian underground who will soon shatter the chains of obscurity. A release for their brand of misanthropy will be available soon and we have been privileged with the opportunity to create a limited run of TS for when the album is released, a limited run of 72. These will be if high quality and will not last when unleashed...

Still hot...

PURE - Kingdom of Wrath
PURE…defined as “free from anything inferior or of contaminating kind”. Bornyhake knows this definition all too well, bringing the embers of this new project to life with blackest intentions. Known for projects like Kawir and Enoid., the knowledge of black metal brought forth with the essence of grim malignancy and freezing emotions are exemplified in PURE, his newest project. And the art fits the moniker perfectly…no symphonic grandstanding, operatic vocals, or over produced recordings for mass acceptance. This is how black metal is meant to be…PURE.

PAIMONIA - Disease Named Humanity
There were once two labels back in the mid-late 90's that cultivated a certain style and sound that was blossoming in Sweden. Those labels were No Fashion Records and Necropolis Records. Both brought to the world genre defining releases and while the labels and most of the artists are gone to the corridors of time, they are still revered today (and always will be)...artists like Dissection, Unanimated, Dawn, and many more. PAIMONIA have tapped into this period of time and have resurrected the flame of this era bringing forth a punishing assault of beautiful, blasphemous decimation, wearing their influences on their sleeve but having their own essence of distinction. Assaulting your senses with melodic black metal and a slight melodic death metal influence, this release will explode unto the world and make it remember of an exciting time that once was...for fans of Dissection, Ophthalamia, Dawn & Unanimated.
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