
Some Bastard said:
That's like sooooooooooo 1985 :Smug:

By the way, what's a douchebag?



I forgot this isn't a common thing in Europe.


Douche. It's... a... feminine wash. For vaginas. Really. It looks like a giant enema bag. You just put the nozzle in and sssqquueeeezzzeeee... and it eliminates any embarrassing feminine odors.

Sanna was so amazed at the concept (I forget whether I used the word douchebag or if it was something that came up in a movie) that I had my mother mail some Summer's Eve over. ("Sounds like a gothic band," said Sanna.)

So yeah, douchebag. Not a nice thing to call someone.

Made funnier by the fact that the Swedish word for shower is dusch (pronounced pretty much identically). And "Deutschland", in English, looks a lot different than it is pronounced. :D
Errrrmmm... actually I did know what it meant

Apparently self-referential humor isn't a common thing in The States :loco:

Well, let's just poke a little fun at Nightwish then :headbang: