Hundred Reasons - Live at the Freakscene

The Black Sails

New Metal Member
Sep 9, 2006
London, UK (w/ Russ)
Hundred Reasons - Live at the Freakscene
Snapper - SMACD903 - Available now
The Black Sails


I used to really like Hundred Reasons; their first CD One (it's an E.P. released by Panda) was a fantastic record, taking all of their previous work as Floor, but adding the extra twist that introducing a new guitarist will inevitably bring to a sound. Then they let the aforementioned guitarist have a greater hand in the song-writing and it all went downhill (c.f. soft rock) loosing any kind of the Tool sound that can clearly be heard on the track 'Clear (Flawed)', a reworking of one of the Floor songs.

There must be some credit given to the band however, for their 'live' set here is quite reminiscent of a certain Strapping Young Lad "studio live" album, as it sounds perfectly like the laid down versions. However, for brevity, I didn't appreciate this much as the songs aren't all that strong. It starts with one of the memorable tunes in the form 'If I Could', and then ploughs through some of their more famous - albeit slightly boring - tunes, with the new track 'No Pretending' not really lifting the bar of creativity far above their curly-haired heads.

If you are a fan of this band already and have seen them play somewhere around the country then this will no doubt be a perfect reminder of a good night out. If you haven't seen them then maybe go to one of the never-ending tours that they appear to be on, and then buy it.
For one new song, then, it might be better to buy the DVD, because there's not a lot of benefit in this release.


UM's Review Rating Scale

Official Hundred Reasons website
Official Snapper website