

Scenario 1:

Girl: "Very disappointing!" :rolleyes: :(
Clipsy: "Damnit! My sister doesn't complain!" :mad:

Scenario 2:

Girl: "Bark, like a dog" :D
Clipsy "Growl, woof!" ;) :D :D

The hours must just fly by in Clipsy's house! :D
Originally posted by tcall

Scenario 1:

Girl: "Very disappointing!" :rolleyes: :(
Clipsy: "Damnit! My sister doesn't complain!" :mad:

Scenario 2:

Girl: "Bark, like a dog" :D
Clipsy "Growl, woof!" ;) :D :D

The hours must just fly by in Clipsy's house! :D

:lol: :lol: :lol:

No Umy it's a free internet terminal on the main street, we're both using that. I wish there were more in hungary though :cry:

so you could use the 'vén boszorkány' in the end :D
(i'm impressed btw, but always put "vagy" in the end, like 'divatember vagy?')

Timmy, I just had a laughing crisis. Though you have obviously stolen this 'time flying by' remark from Mr Edmund Blackadder, haven't you? :heh:
Originally posted by Evilho
Shut up duckface! :heh:
Umm, are there any Blackadders out on DVD?
I think we need a Blackadder thread again. I miss Edmund so much :cry: And Baldrick :cry:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm sure Blackadder is out on DVD...... Not that I have a DVD player though :cry:

Yes, we DO need another Blackadder thread. :)