Yeah, it sucks to lose someone who contributed to the growth of society as a whole while ignorant, loud mouthed racists continue to spew verbal syphilis.
Yeah, that is fuckin crazy, I am currently reading Kingdom of Fear right now which is weird. It floors me that he would kill himself, he seemed like the kind of guy who would find that a chicken shit way out. ITS A CONSPIRACY!!!!!!
Hunter S. Thompson the inventor of Gonzo Journalism. I myself never being into drugs never heard of this guy until Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. It quickly became one of my favorites. I found people either loved that movie or hated it. I loved it. Sorry to see the guy kill himself. Get ready for the documentaries and a the full length feature starring Jamie Foxx portraying the immortal Hunter S. Thompson.
"Ether,allows yourself to watch yourself without being able to control yourself."
"Walking around under the influence of the ether and hash you resemble the village drunk and Vegas loves a drunk, You're Fresh meat.".
Yeah, it sucks to lose someone who contributed to the growth of society as a whole while ignorant, loud mouthed racists continue to spew verbal syphilis.