haha u weren't kidding when u said "HUUGE" lol That was massive. The music was pretty cool too. I like how it sounds huge, yet still doesnt mud up your mix. nice job.
The drums sound like they're panned weird. Sounds like the snare is on the right and the high-hats are on the left? Can't decide if you were going for an audience view or a drummer perspective. :lol:

Also, the left side sounds very thin. The majority of everything is coming out the right speaker.
well the right channel louder thing might have been something in mixdown that happened accidentally, ill have to look into that. but the "snare sound" on the right is actually a cymbal, its to help the high end fill out. the hats are around 50 left and the crashing with the snare helps make the mix breath a little more, but only during the chorus type part. thanks guys :)