Hyades - Thrash now work later!


Apr 16, 2007
So, new band I found during a web search called Hyades. Italian, I think, but since when has Italy been a bad source for music (*cough*Ill Nino*cough*)?

The album in particular is called "And The Worst Is Yet To Come". The second track, "Buried In Blood", is very reminiscent to that of something you would expect from an older Slayer album. Thrash is definitely the forte of this band by far. "Unconform #756" actually brought in vocals and a style that reminded me of Fear Factory, but still keeps the thrash edge.

So check them out if you're into quality thrash music. WELL worth it.

Yeah no shit. Where the fuck did you hear Ill Nino was Italian?

It's bad enough that we have that shit band of ass-pirates known as Linea 77, now you wanna throw Ill Nino in there too?
Sorry, I thought they spoke Italian...I figured they were, but I guess not.

My bad, damnit.
check out the reccomend music to your blablabla sticky thread for others italian bands i posted ;)