hypocrisy half naked

Hell yes. I was at this exact concert-It was the last show of the US tour, and Peter and the guys were tormenting the other bands. They stole the microphone of Single Bullet Theory's lead singer and he had to use some cheap replacement. Near the end of Scar Culture's set, Peter and the guys all came out and began disassembling the drummer's set while he was still trying to play! haha And then when Soilwork came on all of Hypocrisy rushed up on the stage and threw powdered Hot Chocolate all over the guys in Soilwork! So by the time Hypocrisy came on, they knew they were in for trouble. They covered all the monitors with plastic and came out in their underwear. And of course, throughout the show various members of the other bands would come out and soak them with water.
Originally posted by BulletRider
I was at that show. I left before they went on though. Soilwork rules all!

I can't understand why you'd leave before Hypocrisy.... ??? If nothing else, you'd bought a ticket, why not stay for the whole thing?
The place is called "Sky Church". I'm not too familiar with the geography of the EMP (Experience Music Project-a music museum in Seattle for those unfamiliar with it), but I believe it's on the first floor near the huge monolith of guitars. I was leary about it too, but it's size was ideal. The stage was high quality, sound was great, and the vertical slatted TV screens in the background with the great visuals and lighting gives an arena-style feel to a small venue. That with the proximity of the crowd to the bands on stage made it one of the best shows i've ever seen. I'd like to see the EMP do more metal.