I´m single...

That sucks. At least there will be a good reason for your excessive drinking this festive season.

Merry Singlemas!
That sucks. At least there will be a good reason for your excessive drinking this festive season.

Merry Singlemas!


Already working on it.

Edit: Sorry. Huge picture is huge. But then again... I´m not in the mood to change it.
+1 on the manly lifting ;) (but alone, or it starts getting gay :D )
just have a nice time with your family during christmas and bang a chick (or two or more)
at new year's eve, it's party time for man and (at least here) "become a slut" day for the girls!
+1 on the manly lifting ;) (but alone, or it starts getting gay :D )
just have a nice time with your family during christmas and bang a chick (or two or more)
at new year's eve, it's party time for man and (at least here) "become a slut" day for the girls!

Since you are only 287km away from me, the girls shouldn´t be that different :tickled:
das wusst ich net :D
Solang da nicht irgendwas dran steht sind für mich hier alle aus Prinzip erstmal aus den USA.
Aber ganz im Ernst, es hilft enorm ;) Such dir nur ne halbwegs große Party, Wohnheimpartys
mit Studentinnen aus dem Ausland sind immer gut :D
Hahahaha^^ Ich weiß nicht... ich denke dass ich Silvester eher mit meinen Kumpels verbringe. Die helfen mir immer am besten.
I´m sorry to hear that, dude. I were in the same boat...7 month ago. It showed me fucking one thing. Friends & family is much more important than any woman in this goddamn world :kickass: Kopf hoch! Wenn du reden willst, P.M me.