I <3 the Weekly World News

and here's an example why:




By Dorian Wagner

Recent intelligence obtained by the U.S. government has uncovered what is believed to be the most specific terrorist plot since Sept. 11 -- Al Qaeda is planning to stash midget suicide bombers in overhead compartments in the cabins of airplanes!

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a high-ranking Washington official confirms that Osama Bin Laden's terrorist network has reportedly enlisted the help of some 1,300 little people to down aircraft flying over the U.S. and Britain.

"We know from multiple, independent and corroborating sources that Osama's going to unleash a maelstrom of midgets to ransack the cockpits and hijack the planes," he says. "And the stewardesses better watch out too, because we hear these minimen are really a bunch of horny little S.O.B.s."

Data from recent reliable reports indicate Al Qaeda has been planning "Operation Explosive Elf" for months, but recently stepped up the effort after Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge resigned.

"We noticed an increased amount of 'chatter' just after Ridge announced his departure from the department," says our source. "Perhaps they felt we were more vulnerable without the man who makes the call on yellow, orange and red threat levels."

Reportedly, this army of munchkin missiles had been recruited from festivals, fairs and circus sideshows. The tiny terrorists were then sent to two camps in the Middle East to undergo rigorous flexibility, endurance and strength training.

"An operation of this size and proportion is no small feat," explains the insider. "It takes an incredible amount of planning to corral and train such an army of angry midgets."

The boot camps used for training the dynamitepacking mites have been compared to schoolyard playgrounds -- with monkey bars, tunnels and obstacle courses being the main source of exercise.

"The jungle gym setup helped bulk them up while systematically insulting them at the same time -- the perfect recipe for the ideal suicide bomber."

Masterminds of the purported plan then called for the infuriated dwarfs to be strapped with explosives and released at several terminals in major U.S. cities, their small stature allowing them to sneak by security and past the gates.

According to our source, specific intercepted information about the operation called for the militant midgets to "get on board before the rest of the passengers jam themselves into the 2' x 41/2' overhead compartments and close the latch. The signal was to be the seat belt sign -- once the captain turned it off, all hell would break loose.

"Ten to 15 midgets would simultaneously pop out from above," he explains. "Some would directly rush the cockpit, others would scare and threaten passengers into cooperation and at least two would distract the stewardesses by humping their legs."

The designated pilot pygmy would then divert the freak show flight toward the intended target and the mission would be accomplished.

"Even with all the extra security measures taken by the U.S. to protect our skies, 'Operation Explosive Elf' shows Al Qaeda's continued fixation on using explosive-laden aircraft," says the official. "And as if midgets didn't already make some people nervous, now we have real reason to be uncomfortable around them."
Oh I saw that one the other day, didn't read the story though.

Seriously, anyone who doesn't see the Weekly World News every time they grocery shop is MISSING OUT ON PRIME AND CONSISTENT COMEDY FUCKING GOLD. Do they print overseas?


(and finally...)

A mystery virus that may have been unleashed by Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda terror group attacks men where it hurts -- the strange bug makes their manhood shrivel and shrink until their "mighty bats" are as teeny as toothpicks, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control reports.

And there's no telling how many men might already be infected.

According to epidemiologists, "hundreds of victims have been diagnosed in all 50 states and millions more are at risk."

And the virus is spreading like wildfire, they continue, via casual contact as seemingly innocuous as a businessman's handshake or a friendly pat on the back.

"We're seeing men lose up to 50 percent of their length and girth over a period of just a few weeks," says a spokesman at the CDC's headquarters in Atlanta, Ga.

"We're talking about a devastating decline in masculinity that could affect self-esteem or even drive a man to suicide."

Warning signs include but aren't limited to unexplained itching, more or fewer erections than normal, and significant others who complain that they "don't feel anything" during sex or ask questions like, "Have you started yet?," the CDC source says.

Published on: 11/19/2004
this is soooooo awesome...

By Mark Miller

The Mandinka tribe of Gambia, Africa, adheres to a religious practice completely unique to its people -- they worship actress Salma Hayek's breasts!

While most primitive societies tend to pray to animal or ancestral spirits, or to stars and planets as the Mandinkans once did, that all changed in 1995.

Mandinkan farmer Danjuma Kianga remembers, through an interpreter, the moment it happened.

"As a special treat, Chief Tuamanguluka arranged for a movie to be shown here for the first time ever. The movie was Desperado, starring the blessed Salma Hayek as Carolina, a beautiful woman who works for the local drug lord."

When Hayek first appeared on screen, the Mandinkans were blown away by the sight of the 36C-25-37 actress. "Everyone gasped -- men, women, and children," recalls Kianga. "Salma was breathtakingly exquisite. She gave off a force, a light, an energy that came right through the screen and entered our very souls."

After that screening, all any of the Mandinkans could talk about was Salma Hayek -- her looks, her spirit, her energy.

In the years since, the tribe has arranged screenings of every one of her films including, From Dusk 'Til Dawn, Fools Rush In, Dogma, Wild Wild West, Traffic, Spy Kids: 3D, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, and, especially, Frida, which was nominated for six Oscars including best actress for Hayek.
The Mandinkans found themselves especially affected by the sight of Hayek's breasts, which are often on full display in her movies.

"Salma's chest globes are magnificent forces of nature," gushes Kianga. "They are large and firm and perfectly formed. Whenever they appear on screen, it is almost as though they are calling to us: 'We're here. We're here for you. Take power from us. Let us be your energy force. Close your eyes and let us engulf you.' "

Around their necks, the Mandinkans wear stone and wood amulets fashioned as miniature replicas of Hayek's awe-inspiring milk wagons. Before undertaking any strenuous or dangerous task, going on any hunting expedition or praying for anything, they lick Hayek's breasts one hundred times for luck.

One of the villages has even constructed a giant 37-foot high scale replica of Hayek's sweater puppets. The breasts themselves are formed of rare black obsidian stone, and the nipples are solid gold.

Villagers form a large circle around the statue, hold hands, and dance themselves into a frenzy while chanting the following:

Oh glorious funbags of Salma, Fertilize our fields, protect us, and bring us luck.
Especially we ask for sexual potency from the
Life-changing, awe-inspiring twin peaks of Salma.
Suckle us with your magical orbs,
Squeeze our faces between those luscious flesh mounds, Our strength, hope and joy derive from the wondrous bazongas of Hayek!

Gahiji Ngozi, a 22-year-old craftsman, speaks for the entire Mandinkan tribe when he says, "Worshipping Salma Hayek's breasts has added meaning, direction and wonder to my life."

Published on: 11/15/2004