I <3 you all


Dec 21, 2001
Every. Single. Mother. Fucking. One. Of. You.

Thanks for making hating me an online institution!
Dear People,

I am seriously working on waking up one morning and taking these internet forum things seriously enough to stab myself in the throat. Please send monetary donations so I can buy all kinds of decadent crap and feel doubly guilty due to having use funds that are not mine to aid me in this noble quest.

kleo706 said:
Dear People,

I am seriously working on waking up one morning and taking these internet forum things seriously enough to stab myself in the throat. Please send monetary donations so I can buy all kinds of decadent crap and feel doubly guilty due to having use funds that are not mine to aid me in this noble quest.


Now that's you are a premium member, without a doubt 90% of people here will crawl at your feet... :loco: