TheNewChupe HTML is not allowed. Oct 7, 2003 2,072 0 36 Where you live Nov 21, 2003 #1 that way when we see each other far across hallways and stuff we can flash them, showing our superiority and instilling fear in others. i believe this will also promote comaradery and provide a more productive work environment.
that way when we see each other far across hallways and stuff we can flash them, showing our superiority and instilling fear in others. i believe this will also promote comaradery and provide a more productive work environment.
deadair Overly-Cryptic Jake Aug 14, 2002 7,928 2 38 46 the place of next Hamiltons Nov 21, 2003 #2 write a report on the up side of this project, and have it on my desk by 5.
TheNewChupe HTML is not allowed. Oct 7, 2003 2,072 0 36 Where you live Nov 21, 2003 #3 that was the up side. we could wear matching bandanas too, that's a plus.
deadair Overly-Cryptic Jake Aug 14, 2002 7,928 2 38 46 the place of next Hamiltons Nov 21, 2003 #4 REPORT... ON MY DESK did i not make myself clear?
avi W3RK3R Aug 21, 2002 10,213 3 38 Oly, WA Nov 21, 2003 #5 what would be your color?
TheNewChupe HTML is not allowed. Oct 7, 2003 2,072 0 36 Where you live Nov 21, 2003 #6 (your avatar's head is not exploding and i keep envisioning him saying what you're typing) I'll cut you.
(your avatar's head is not exploding and i keep envisioning him saying what you're typing) I'll cut you.