I am going to DC tomorrow morning WITHOUT FUSOYA


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
to visit my sister. my travel schedule is insane. i need to take this rickety bus from Chinatown Boston to Chinatown NYC, then run across Chinatown and hop on another rickety bus to DC. and do the same thing back, arriving in time to catch public transit trains both ways, of course.

so no matter how much you hate Dubya, please hope for the nuclear bomb to go off a different weekend!
although if the terrorists have something really awesome, like the Tsar Bomba, i suppose the whole Boston vs. D.C. thing is moot.

I'll be in the DC area this weekend for crew. We should meet up and mack on your sister's friends together...unless you don't want any competition that is.
Well, I'm going to be down for a total of maybe thirty hours, so there won't be much time for shenanigans. But if you PM me a cellphone number, I'd say there's a moderate (33%) chance I'll call you on Saturday and see if you want to join us for our afternoon "pub crawl".
Friday was ten hours of bus riding down (with a transfer in NYC); Saturday was thirteen hours of pub-crawling and drinking with my sister (my first time I've ever drank with her, since she just turned 21 recently); Sunday was a horrendous hangover, going to the cherry blossoms, and ten hours of bus back. All in all, VERY fun!