i am invincible


Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
er, not really

but 3x the recommended dosage of nyquil 3 hours ago sure as hell haven't slowed me down any, much to my chagrin :erk:

on the other side of the coin, caffeine/energy drinks rarely if ever give me any boost at all

is this true for anyone else or am i just a freak? i mean, more of a freak?
cthulufhtagn said:
er, not really

but 3x the recommended dosage of nyquil 3 hours ago sure as hell haven't slowed me down any, much to my chagrin :erk:

on the other side of the coin, caffeine/energy drinks rarely if ever give me any boost at all

is this true for anyone else or am i just a freak? i mean, more of a freak?

Most stuff that causes drowsiness just knocks me the hell out. But yeah, I'm the same way with caffeine/energy drinks. They do nothing for me.