i am nervous!


Jul 14, 2004
...about all this upcoming final fantasy 7 follow-up stuff!
there's a game about the turks for cell phone where you take photos and the dominant colour becomes your materia type. and some other shooter/action game thing with vincent. i'm planning to ignore both of them.
Advent Children is what's making me nervous. i just watched trailers: http://www.square-enix.co.jp/dvd/ff7ac/ and i really hope they don't mess up the whole story and everything. also, i like the japanese voice actors, esp. vincent valentine's and i hope they don't pick dopey english actors.
it does look really cool though...
Sephiroth is SOOOOOOO fucking goth, barret totally ghetto-fied, corn-rowes and all, and the music gave me flashbacks to an earlier age when I logged more than the maximum number of hours recorded to master all the materia so that I had 3 characters with master summon coupled to quadra magic, and X-summon. Things god mighty ugly in a hurry, even against the weapons. Damn, I used to be a badass in that game.
Dear GOD, you're a dork Nils. You just wrote an entire paragraph and I have basically no idea what the fuck you said. That is almost worse than the whole "Jesus Saves....everyone else takes damage" shirt.
Just think about all of the knights of the round striking at no less than 8741 (fucking ice knight) 13 x 4 x 2 = 102 times in a row. Nothing stood a fucking chance, I could walk into boss battles with single digit hit points and just laugh as my enemies tasted sweet oblivion.
Sandfire, I suspect Osm0se is talking about something like 70+ hours on his run.

Edit: excuse me, I read 10+ instead of 100+ (I have plato's tenfold error problem, it seems!) but 100+ hours into a game are formidable indeed. Nerd.
Dude, beat the game and then powermash the characters, get your level four limit breaks, and then slaughter the game. Besides, after you hit level 99 with Cloud, Sephiroth gets a massive hit point bonus for the final battle, I did most of my leveling just to see if that presented a more formidable challenge.
In agreement with Ben I will direct attention to my previous post.
Getting called a dork by a kid who is currently procrastinating doing set design, used my alarm clock to get up at 7:35 on a sunday, and was previously bitching about not being able to find model train parts. Not to mention hasn't bothered to relax in a week.
The longest I've gone must have been thirtyfiveish hours playing Wasteland on an old c64. That was timed with a clock because we couldn't save and wanted to finish the game straight-through. So we played for 7 hours, noted time, and let the c64 on, then went back to it when our faces slowly returned to normal from the radiation burns.
Only counts as procrastination if you do it for long periods of time, otherwise its known as a break. I haven't relaxed all week because I haven't had time. Set Design is wicked cool and in no way makes you a dork..........Bitch