I am such a dork...


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
So I felt a pang a few days ago to revisit some old memories. Went to my storage unit and dug out all my old Collectible Card Games. X-files, Vampire, Middle-earth, and Magic: The Gathering.

Anyhow, taught my girlfriend how to play Magic last night and just dropped $30 on some booster packs, I haven't put a moment's time into any of these games since high school. :)

Anybody else with some habits like this? Apparently Magic is still going strong, but the other ones I collected are long gone.

Well at least I don't... I mean, uh,, it's not like I was over in ... the uh... dammit, I got nuffin. :)
NAD said:
Anybody else with some habits like this?

No - I'm too cool for shit like that. That's why I spend all my working hours on an internet forum. :D

Never got into that card game stuff. Shit, I don't even play blackjack. I've heard lots of people praise Magic though.

I used to be a big videogame fanatic - but I never really delved into serious RPG's that much. I guess I did play Crono Cross (which was excellent), and I tried FFIX but I got bored (sorry Ayeka). I was more of a Silent Hill, Res Evil, first person shoot em up kind of guy.

Oh yeah, some time ago I walked past a Warhammer store and they had some phenomenal models on display (LotR etc) and it was enough for me to buy a starter model kit. Needless to say, six months later and that box is still unopened....
Sounds like my '69 Pontiac Firebird model, still in the box 6 years later. I'll probalby buy and rebuild an actual 'bird before completing the model. :tickled:

I've been farting around Magic websites this morning, I have a lot to catch up on!
Victory! :Spin:

There's been about 20 expansion sets since I last looked at my cards, like I needed another excuse to spend money...
JayKeeley said:
I tried FFIX but I got bored (sorry Ayeka)

:eek: You're mad! :Spin: If you want skullfucking boredom, play FF8...

Magic is quite popular in my school, but the real beauty was in primary school...the anti-Magic kids (me included :cool: ) got so sick of it we started ripping it out of the Magic dudes (even though some of them were our best mates...this was only when they had the cards with 'em ;)), and we had a few scraps over it...a dinner lady caught caught in the crossfire one time, a right hook straight in the gut :lol: fucking quality...

Watch out for Warhammer, guys. I spent far too much money on that shit when I was a munchkin. It was ace in the olden days but about five or so years back they started dumbing it down and now it's beyond suckage. I love reading the old school rulebooks and magazines (2nd edition 40K, 4th edition Warhammer, Necromunda, any White Dwarf pre-1997, the older the better!), they really evoked some classic grandiouse imagery, the whole thing about epic warfare and nameless heroes lost to the centuries...now it's just fucking sad.

I must say, though...some of the stuff in the 40K rulebooks makes excellent White Supremecist propaganda ;)
Oh, FF7 is the uber-daddy! And FF6 is damn sweet, #2 for me (7 & 9 joint 1st ;))...but FF8 didn't seem to have any grab factor beyond a few seperate points, and they were mostly just the idyllic wanderings around Garden...and after you've played through it five times, trying to finish it each time but failing miserably...well, your patience wears thin ;)
I hated FFVII so much that I haven't played a single Final Fantasy since. :)

I did buy those remakes of FFI & II for PlayStation though, just for shits and giggles mostly.

Favorite video games ever: Xenogears and FFVI

Seriously though? Why?

Oh and I actually own FF9 but never played it :p FF11 SOON! I SURE HOPE TO HAVE SOMEONE TO PLAY WITH!
Honestly I never liked Cloud, and the gameplay was just frustrating to me (looked cool, played like shit). Sephiroth is a great villain, but Cloud was just a putz. I think really what it was was that the build up for that game was so freakin' hyped, then when it wasn't nearly as good as FFVI I just said "bah, bah I say!"

Besides, I've never liked polygons, I'm a sprite type of guy. :)
It still had a considerable amount of sprites. :D

Several times over the years while playing Xenogears I have thought to myself "I can't believe how much I like this game, even with all this 3D shit all over the place!" :lol:
Never heard of that one, but I think I have 3 Overpower cards from when I was buying the CCG magazines way back when. Never played the game though, that was the comic book lookin' one right?