I am too lazy to write a little "about" text for my page

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I need a short but good text for the main page of my home page www.lasselammert.com

it should be the typical "combining state of the art digital and high end analog recording techniques...blablabla" thing...
...short text about the studio, short text about me....
should sound big, great, awesome without sounding like a showoff of course....

it has to be really short and should still bear some information.

send me your texts to


if I use your text I'll paypal you 5$...if I'm not using it you're not getting anything at all ;)
Sure. 50% up front when booking the project, 50% upon completion. I have a free spot in a couple of weeks. Hope it's ok if I use the text on my website for promotional purposes.

Oh, and I only have Comic Sans installed. But it's a cute font.
lol :D:D
but you have forgot "bring you own booze"