Wreckin' eardrums!
Dec 8, 2009
Greetings. My name is Nathan Tongier, and I am TORMENT FAKTORY. First things first, TORMENT FAKTORY is my Trademarked band name. I am currently the only member, although I am always looking for other musicians to colaborate with. To hear my music you can visit:




I personally would recommend the skullsnbones site. It has more of my material there and it is overall a better site for our chosen genre in my opinion.

About me. I am a U.S. Army active duty sergeant of 15 years time in service. I was born in Albuquerque New Mexico and have been a "Metalhead" my entire life. I am currently stationed in Fort Carson Colorado and live in nearby Colorado Springs. I am currently playing for a band called "Between two Deaths", but we've just begun to practice together so we won't be playing anywhere any time soon. I've been playing guitar off and on for 24 years and have recently taken up keyboards as well.

All of my material was recorded through a Line 6 UX2 interface using Riffworks recording software and either POD Farm or Gearbox amp and effects software. I play ESP, Schecter, B.C. Rich, and Dean guitars and for live performance use a Randall RM100 Lynch Box head with 6L6 tubes and Blackface, SL+, and Treadplate modules. This sits on a set of Randall Warhead cabinets. The top cabinet is an oversized 4X12 with vintage 30's and the bottom is a 2X15 with eminence 15's. For keyboard work I use a Korg Triton LE 77.

I look forward to chatting with you bunch and please feel free to give advise, critiques, and or praise of my material. It can only make me get better! If you like what you hear and would like copies of any of the songs you hear, simply message me and I will email it to you free of charge. Just bear in mind that all my material is copywrited and I expect you to respect it accordingly. In my opinion, use of other peoples material and claimiing it as your own is way bellow scumbag level, and I will mercelously prosecute any creativity thieves to the fullest extent possible.