I am what doesnt die


Feb 4, 2002
O.k lets see
7 major car accidents including 1 head on collision and one where my freinds car rolled 5 times.
3 Stabbings, One off the right ribs,one in the leg and major lacerations to my left arm.
1 bout of alcohol posining.
7 opiate related over doses.
Drown 2x.Once in a pool as a kid and once where I had to be recesitated.
Hit by 1 car. I went over the hood and landed on the back of my noggin. What a wonderfull concusion that was.
Shot at, ( never hit thank jeebus).
I would say well over 50 fights with some skins and gangster wannabies in Southern California
Got zapped by a 220 volt cable at work
and I survived 3 Slayer shows
Am I imortal, lucky or just fuckin nuts?
I've totalled a couple of vehicles in my day. Looking back now it's all shits and giggles, but there were several times when I was lucky to not be hospitalized and/or arrested. It pays to have friends in law enforcement, and that is all I will say about that...........
A few times I wasnt even the driver , just bad timing. As for the Slayer shows, well it was brutal being in the shit that day. Me and my squad where surrounded by mullets on also sides, We had our six packs set on rock and Roll. The Evil inside Tom Araya was taking no prisoners that and all we could do was the dance of death in hopes of surviveing. And did we gat a heroes welcome home. Hell no! We got angry Christian protestors telling us how evil we where for going into battle. Fucking Hippies.
I've seen Slayer 7 times, so I guess that makes me bad ass too :) One time I got so drunk I don't remember any of the show, but I woke up with broken glasses and Starbuck stains all over my shirt. I couldn't find my cell phone either, and then my buddy (who drove) informed me that my g/f at the time called me, and I didn't wanna talk to her so I just threw my phone out the window of a truck as we're going down I-71. I do so many "smart" things when I'm tanked.