i bet you faggots didnt know that even MTV gave help to chuck

metallica sucks cock

New Metal Member
Nov 29, 2001
ohio state university
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i remember i was at my brothers place a couple years ago....MTV was on the other room. i heard the word "schuldiner" and of course.....theres only one person i know named schuldiner. it was that hot black chick(allison stewart????") interviewing chuck on MTV, in 1999. chuck was talking about his brain tumor and how he didnt have health insurance, etc. etc. etc. i was half shocked and falf impressed at MTV...... i thought they had forgot all about metal, much less deathmetal.

even MTV extended a hand to him. korn, kid rock and many others did too. but not those fucking faggots metallica.

if i was rich, i wouldve hepled him. the only way i could help was to spend a little bit of money on a couple death cds. i already had most of them, but i bought the rest; so he got about 5 cents more in royalty money.
Get over it, MSC.

Chuck is gone now, and nothing you can say will change that. Give it a rest.

Support metal, and you are supporting chuck's memory.
Even if MetallicA gave 10 million dollars, MSC would bitch that they should have given 11. All the money in the world wouldn't have saved Chuck anyhow...his illness was far too advanced. Just follow Trapped's advice and support metal music in your own way rather than harping on the sole called "shortcomings" of other bands.
