I bought this, you should too.


Active Member
Dec 14, 2006
Buffalo, New York
A good thread for non shitty music, because we all have boughten shitty CD's at times so post the gems you get from blind buying, or reissues no one has seem to caught.

YouTube link + Store availability should be a golden rule for this thread.

Currently hooked on this album, love it;

Damascus - Cold Horizon, reissue from High Roller. Pretty awesome early 80's metal, and this track is the opener.

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Dunno if this was under the radar or not but

Conan - Horseback Battle Hammer: They class themselves as "Caveman Battle Doom". Pretty damn accurate description. Slow, dark and heavy as fuck. You feel like you're standing on a battlefield full of dead orcs and giants with snowcapped moutains looming in the distance when you're listening to it.


I got it in HMV but it seems like it's either sold out or expensive as shit everywhere else now. You can still download it though.
Turns out you can buy it here: http://www.aurora-b.com/AB_store.html

Rump ya got me there. When you been all of life? Place needs better recommended music man.

This tune ain't bad..need to listen to more, and maybe it'll get carried by a bigger label or eBay.
This place is pretty lame now, although there are still some cool people around.

Iron Bonehead gets distribution with NWN, Hells Headbangers and High Roller, so the LP shouldn't be too hard to find.


Like a fast Electric Wizard crossed with Black Flag. One of the better "metal-punk" bands cropping up now. Maybe this doesn't belong in this thread, as I think it's pretty much sold out. Tape and CD versions are upcoming.

Awesome newish Heavy Metal band from Australia. This is from a just released split 7". Get it from the band or from the label.

Great Heavy/Doom from Italy. I never see anybody talking about these guys. Maybe it's because they get lumped in with other occult female fronted bands, which is a shame because they are a pure HEAVY METAL band. Cool people too. LP through Horror Records.
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Neil sent me two tracks some months ago when I interviewed him. I decided to save the rest of the album until I have it.
This place is pretty lame now, although there are still some cool people around.

Iron Bonehead gets distribution with NWN, Hells Headbangers and High Roller, so the LP shouldn't be too hard to find.



Like a fast Electric Wizard crossed with Black Flag. One of the better "metal-punk" bands cropping up now. Maybe this doesn't belong in this thread, as I think it's pretty much sold out. Tape and CD versions are upcoming.


Classic USPM demo. Get it at Shadow Kingdom.


Awesome newish Heavy Metal band from Australia. This is from a just released split 7". Get it from the band or from the label.


Great Heavy/Doom from Italy. I never see anybody talking about these guys. Maybe it's because they get lumped in with other occult female fronted bands, which is a shame because they are a pure HEAVY METAL band. Cool people too. LP through Horror Records.

Bump!! Johnny Touch are fucking great man!!