I can'n fix my bass tone please help!!


Dec 9, 2009
this is one of the first test of my new record no vocals already recorded but at the beguining the bass for me was good tight and clear but when I heard in different systems seems mud and eat the whole thing please send me feedback and tips about this mix, the bass is 3 layers tipical 1 low 2 grit 3 distort there are a lot of compression AND EQ:zzz:

Sounds like you just need to turn your guitars up a bit and the bass down a bit.
thanks, the tone sounds good for you? I don't be sure if there is so much mud or if I need to increase the middle high part
please I'm hesitating about almost everithing, I need some ears and opinions, thank you.
I think it's just right volume wise but I would have to have the track and try some things. When you turn it down, it's going to disappear and muddy up without being able to her the higher bass frequencies so what you need to do is the Steven Slate/Ola Englund trick and clone the track and take the second one and hi pass it, tweak it out with distortion (Ola), or just mess with it a touch and boost the 400Hz and high pass around 300 (Slate). Sometimes I like to saturate one or both tracks so it is just a little bit "floppy" instead of stiff like that. Don't try to have just one bass track is all I can say! Take it from the guys that know their stuff. Once it isn't so thick and glued to the guitars, it should come to life.

Ok I reread that you already had three tracks. I DO like this bass tone but don't seem like there's that top end. Like they need to be EQ'd differently so they don't blend together like that. At this volume, the other tracks SHOULD be sounding pretty bad but they aren't lol Maybe try and be a little more "drastic" with the 400Hz boost. That always makes things come right out. The "bassiest" track of the three, boost it at 8K also so the dynamics come out just a tad.

I hope you find something that helps, it's hard to tell what is going on with your tests...what kind of compressors/limiters...I swore there were some parts the bass was louder. Bass doesn't have to be smooth sounding, so hard to tell what you are thinking. Right now it's an excellent guitar thickening track and sounds pretty big/good but just not like the bass guitarist has his own sound. They always go for something that is a little crazy whereas we guitarists don't think that way lol Great sounding guitars & band though. Really want this to be the best it can for you guys!
thank you everybody for the tips and opinions, i'm going to do that this weekend and share it again.:grin: