i can't quit, but should i?


Sep 12, 2002
job duty i've avoided until now, which i probably should get around to doing next weekish:

visiting a checklist of 60+ pharmacies and taking pictures of the exterior.

this entails renting a (better) car, staking out an HQ somewhere for a week, and travelling around what looks to be terrible sectors of the bronx, brooklyn, queens and staten island.

walking around with a digital camera.


this is a goodbye thread.
this is the thread i was looking for. for some reason i thought i made it a long time ago.


i am so fucked, this looms within the next few days, i think. god fucking damnit.
seriously, i have a question: if i am walking around/driving around cities, taking pics of the exteriors of commercial bldgs (freaking DRUGSTORES) w/o a badge, a uniform, or any identifying marks, and with no prior approval—am i the only one who thinks this could be construed as sketchy?
uh more like casing the joint—and not me, i'm too small—but for my bookie, or whatever. it just doesn't look right, and i'm suspecting my bosses wouldn't give one shred of a fuck if i pointed this out to them.
i've done it a bunch...when i had to map out Gasson Hall on campus for its inclusion in a videogame i made, i went and took photographs of its fire escape plans. and last week i went down to Cleveland Circle and drew a map of its store layout, for another such game. nobody stopped me.

but this sikh kid at BC named Sundeep got detained for seven hours last week for photographing the Secret Service!
AHA no! he was photographing the building the Secret Service happened to be staying in! (BC has great architecture; I've photographed buildings here before, and not just for videogame maps).
i didn't post about this? the thuggish 22-year-old secret service agent grabbed him and said "HOW'M I S'POSED TO KNOW YOU AIN'T GONNA WHIP AN UZI OUTTA THAT TURBAN, ABDUL?" or something similar.