I don't pull this one often: PLEASE HELPPPP!!!(Cubase5 crashes)


Cereal Shipping Sneapster
Dec 17, 2008
Long Beach, New York
So guys, if anyone could help me out, it would be monumentally appreciated, because I'm having a near heart attack here...

Cubase 5 crashes whenever I load a particular project I'm working on. According to most Cubase troubleshooters, usually a plugin will cause Cubase to explode upon open.

I tracked the plugin down to ApulSoft's apQualizer, but it's only causing this particular project to crash, making me believe that it's a memory issue. I have backed up the project and I can open one of my older versions.

So the question is, how do I continue to use this plug without my DAW exploding in my face... how do fix memory issue?

I have an 8 x 2.93 ghz core Mac Pro with 6 GB of ram.


My best guess is that the plugin has a bug and you've just managed to find it. Whilst I don't think VST's save there memory states like you can in java etc its probably the eq or something doing some crazy maths and busting out.

Now I only have experience of windows machines so you might have to adapt this. Have you tried renaming the plugin temporarily so it doesn't load up with Cubase, then re-open the project. Once loaded (hopefully), disable or remove the offending plugin and re-save. Finally, rename the plugin and fire Cubase up again, you should then be able to start again with it?

Good luck!
Thanks for the quick reply. I have the project open/have backed-up/have resaved, etc. My issue is I need this eq plug to work... I have 76 instances of it in this project alone with over 10 eq curves per instance... if I have to redo all those I will die :lol:

I have over 100 tracks in this project, and for some of the synth tracks, I get VERY in depth when it comes to eq curves. If you've got 6 synth tracks playing at one time, you really need to do some careful carving to make things work, as well as handle sharp cuts in areas with nasty resonances. I also have tons of vocals that I'm meshing together, as well as eq on every single drum channel, etc.

I figured out I just needed to bounce the synths with the eq on them to clear up some memory.
Do you use a 64bit OS and DAW?

Can't be of much help with Macs but I had a similar plugin/memory issue in 32bit Cubase 6, 32bit OS. I have 4gb installed. I googled for advice and found some "3 gb switch". After I did that everything worked like a charm.