I don't quite understand devin townsend/ocean machine/biomech

shivering corpse

Ty Cobbb
Sep 20, 2002
Well I've only been a fan o' the Dev since May. I have AE, Terria, and Ocean Machine.
But I don't quite understand the deal with Ocean Machine.
Was Ocean Machine the name of the band or album? I guess then what exactly is the biomech title then?

I know you guys probably know, sorry if this is an old question or something, I just don't quite get it.
The album is called Biomech. Ocean Machine is the name of the project. At first Devin wanted to put different names for every projects because it was different moods and inspiration. After a while and good reconsiderations Dev and Tracy decided to call everything Devin Townsend - "Whatever the name", it was getting confusing for the non-fans. The first run of Ocean Machine has only Ocean Machine - Biomech as indication. The runs made after that are Clearly identified as Devin Townsend's Ocean Machines - Biomech.

Clear enough?
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Actually Simon, that's the first run outside of Japan. I have one of the original imports and it says DT OM Biomech