I drank some horse piss tonight

Lunar Still

Doodle drawrer
Jan 14, 2006
I can honestly say, it was the best piss I've ever tasted.






I drank some Hobgoblin yesterday. The restaurant a block away has it! As well as 2 dozen other obscure beers... I drank McEwan's as well... THAT is an interesting beer... not to say it's great, but it's definitely interesting.

Hobgoblin however, is absolutely outstanding.


I went to Za's Pizza Pub today, I got a Hoegarden it was pretty good, my spicy italian sub was also good. But later I had a land shark which I thought was awesome.
You see Hobgoblin around a lot near Halloween, but other than that you need to do some good searching.
dude, They have so many different beers as Za;s I was impressed really, I didn't try the pizza either, but yeah we ended up going there because Cafe 360 was like a 45 minute wait, I was glad. anything with Pub in the name is probably better than anything with 360 in the name =p
You see Hobgoblin around a lot near Halloween, but other than that you need to do some good searching.
really? there are at least 3 stores here that have it all the time, and other flavours by that brewery.

edit: checking their website i might be thinking of another 'Goblin' beer that has multiple flavourings
dude, They have so many different beers as Za;s I was impressed really, I didn't try the pizza either, but yeah we ended up going there because Cafe 360 was like a 45 minute wait, I was glad. anything with Pub in the name is probably better than anything with 360 in the name =p

360 suddenly became so trendy it was retarded. I'm so glad I don't hear "Hey guys, let's go smoke flavored tobacco out of the hookahs!" so much anymore.