i either have the flu, or the plague (i've narrowed it down)


Aug 2, 2002
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i thought maybe it was nasal AIDS before, but that's been eliminated as a possibility. it's also not Alzheimer’s because i'm not pissing myself or whatever.

(if it's the plague, someone get camus because like, i want this shit documented)
i hope this doesnt ruin my plans for the weekend. i really wanted to try and get a little skiing in. i cant do that if im dead.
i am sure i still look pretty stunning dead, so i guess it'd be okay. i will have to tell my executor about these plans just in case.
okay. i'm like 99% sure now that i have the flu and not the plague. (1) no mass piles of dead rats (2) i have actual, textbook flu like symptoms (3) no open, gaping sores or giant lumps covering my body as is the case with most plague victims

anyway. i tried to drink vegetable bouillon in water 1 hour ago and i have just given it up to the barfing gods. i hope my boss comes back soon so i can go home.