I fear I may never get a snare sound this good again.


Nov 17, 2008
snare is purely a 57 on the top, crushed, some notches/boosts, fast gated, and triggering a Z4 blended in at 20%. spaced pair SDC overheads, stereo rooms spread way out. four natural mics in this drum mix, kick/toms replaced 100%. all hand slip edited.

reamps by ryan, the finished mix is getting mastered by nick zampiello (new converge) and i'll post it here when done =p any other thoughts/questions on the mix? band is called constructs from vermont, i posted an earlier mix on here before.


EDIT: better example: http://www.atomicballroomcalamity.com/constructs/samp3c4elephant.mp3
The problem it´s not the snare but the cymbals, they are loud and bright. The voice is also not sitting well in the mix.
Not digging it at all tbh - all thonk and not much attack to it until the breakdown. Completely buried in the mix. Also hearing some performance issues (editing) relative to kick/snare timings, couple hits where they should be at the same time but the kick flams a 16th before it.
what do you do in that situation? try to time stretch em together?

Naw, I'll slip it so the kick virtually disappears, and then move the kick independently from the rest of the tracks right under the snare. You usually can't hear the kick in the OH well enough for it to cause flamming or be heard over the guitars, anyway, so sometimes you don't need to slip it to disappear or anything.