I fucking HATE Star Wars..but Heres how Vader is "born".


Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
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If you're like me, all you ever gave a shit about was to see how Lukes father becomes Vader. I sat through 2 horrible fucking prequels and not jack shit.

So click this link and damn near the entire movie is layed out in pictures and captions. So I guess this is the *spoiler* warning for all the geeks on the board who don't want to ruin their precious first experience in the theatre. Personally - now that I know, I aint wasting money on the movie.:Spin:

I love the OLD SW!!! But Episode II sucked donkey balls and I think I won´t bother watching Episode III.
Sorry man ... love all those muther fucking films warts and all!

Yes HUGE Star Wars fan ... and so is my 7.5 year old son too! The force is strong in that one! BTW my little boy and my nephew who is 8 are now right into Anthrax!

..Love it.... hearing two little boys scream out `YOU CANNOT KILL... WHAT DOESN"T DIE' ... quite humourous!
GregadetH said:
If you're like me, all you ever gave a shit about was to see how Lukes father becomes Vader.

ok, first off, all I ever gave a shit about was Carrie Fisher in that hot ass outfit in Return of the Jedi. Droooooooooooooooooool.

And second, if Natalie Portman shows some more mid-drift, I will gladly pay the $9 to go be part of the nerdness for an evening.

Wow. All of my Star Wars thought are sexually motivated. I am a sad, sad man.
I was a Star Wars geek, even up to Episode II, I maintained hope, only to have it ripped away yet again. But Lucas won't get my dollars for Episode III even if everyone else in the world tells me its worth it. I'll wait until it comes out on DVD, borrow it from a friend and burn it.

Why won't I see it?

-I'll have two kids under the age of 3...about the only way we'll convince the sitters to watch both of them for a few hours is if I'm mortally wounded and need to go to the ER
-somehow, I think they'll conveniantly neglet to tell us how R2-D2 suddenly stops BEING ABLE TO FLY in Episode 4, or how Obiwan ("I don't seem to remember ever owning a droid", Episode 4) develops amnesia and forgets who R2D2 is
-Lucas replaced old Anakin with Hayden Christiansen in Return of the Jedi. Up until that time I could buy the whole "This is how I wanted the movies shot in the first place" (except maybe Greedo shooting first), but give me a break. If Hayden is there, might as well take out Alec Guiness and put in Ewan. Hell, while your at it, put in a younger version of Yoda before he turned green and shrivelled up
-yes, the acting in the original trilogy was just as bad as the acting in the new trilogy, but the actors at least had CHEMISTRY in the original.
-face it, save for 60 seconds of Yoda kicking ass, Episode II was BORING
-Count Dooku is the lamest Star Wars villain to date
-Lucas is stubborn, and when he gets criticized, he does more of what he's criticized for as if he's trying unsuccessfully to prove people wrong...take refusing to get out of the directors chair, or the insistence to continue including Jar Jar
-generations from now, kids are going to watch the series in numerical order, not in the order of release. The original series will lose its magic when they already know Darth Vader is Luke's father and Luke and Leia are sisters. Not to mention, they'll wonder why the special effects get so lousy from Episode 4 onwards, but the movies get better. Then many will wonder why they even bothered to go to 6 movies when the first 2 were so lame

There's probably more, more I should try and get some sleep, and hopefully most of you have better things to do than read my rantings :D
I'm looking forward to the final episode. Would have been happy with only three. I am glad there are now going to be six.

The Sith can no longer be denied. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
GregadetH said:
If you're like me, all you ever gave a shit about was to see how Lukes father becomes Vader. I sat through 2 horrible fucking prequels and not jack shit.

So click this link and damn near the entire movie is layed out in pictures and captions. So I guess this is the *spoiler* warning for all the geeks on the board who don't want to ruin their precious first experience in the theatre. Personally - now that I know, I aint wasting money on the movie.:Spin:


Thanks for not posting the spoiler Greg

THanks for sharing. I am not a real huge fan. I just LOVED the original Star Wars. Watched it 100 times as a kid.

Carrie Fisher did look HOT in Return of the Jedi. Anybody who watched friends knows Ross used to refer to that every now and then. (No I am not gay--I actually did like Friends)

Personally, I am not a big Natalie Portman fan. She does absolutely nothing for me. I think she's pretty, but I do not find her sexy at all.

THat all said, I may go see this movie. Did not see the last 2 until last few months.
Thrillho said:
ok, first off, all I ever gave a shit about was Carrie Fisher in that hot ass outfit in Return of the Jedi. Droooooooooooooooooool.

And second, if Natalie Portman shows some more mid-drift, I will gladly pay the $9 to go be part of the nerdness for an evening.

Wow. All of my Star Wars thought are sexually motivated. I am a sad, sad man.

Hey, thats okay! I'm a lot like you in many ways. :wave:
Huge Star Wars geek, loved the originals, hated episode 1, thought the best part of ep2 was when Anakin slaughtered the sand people, and looking forward to ep3. Read the script, or atleast what I think is the real script, excellent story, really dark

If you only knew the power of the dark side