I got a new project - Thoughts on first mix?


Apr 18, 2008
Ok so there is this band here locally I am producing. I am actually in charge of production, mixing and mastering. It's all me. The way we are recording goes like this. Drums are via a midi/drumkitfrom hell (EZdrummer) and oversampled using Drumagog and samples I've collected either from here or made my own. The guitars are being tracked live through a Line 6 Spider III 120 Watt combo amp. The band loves it, and refuses to record through my DI interface. There is no bass guitar yet or vocals, but they wanted me to show them how I work, so they wanted me to completly mix/master the drums and guitar, so I did it.

I need advice here. All I have for doing this work is the program Adobe Audition. I mixed these, compressed, EQ'd and mastered all in this program and I am actually pretty satisfied. My monitors are not good so I can't pick up on any frequency problems that are minor (that most engineers would hear). So i'd like any of your opinions. If you all would suggest things I can do (prefferably free plugins/new drum samples) or if Adobe Audition has more capabilities than I know, please let me know. This is my first CD i'm doing officially.

The song is entitled BTE on my soundclick.

I would bring the kick and snare down a bit. The guitars sound a bit buried, so I would boost the upper mids only by about 1.5-2.5 db. Solo needs to come down a bit, but only a tiny bit. :)
