I got an A in my Iron Maiden class


Maiden fan since I was 9
Jul 31, 2004
Washington, USA
I got an A and four graduate credits for my research of Iron Maiden's tourography. :kickass:

I created an independent study course called "Problems in Historical Methods" using research of Iron Maiden's tour dates and locations as a means to study the problems inherent in researching history. My project was the Iron Maiden Master List with an explanation of what resources I used and an analysis of why certain resources are more reliable than others.

It was a nice break this quarter turning my Iron Maiden hobby into academic credit. Now, if I can only get academic credit for drinking beer. :lol:
I got an A and four graduate credits for my research of Iron Maiden's tourography. :kickass:

I created an independent study course called "Problems in Historical Methods" using research of Iron Maiden's tour dates and locations as a means to study the problems inherent in researching history. My project was the Iron Maiden Master List with an explanation of what resources I used and an analysis of why certain resources are more reliable than others.

Congrats Rya!!!! I know you put a lot of time and effort into this! :headbang:

It was a nice break this quarter turning my Iron Maiden hobby into academic credit. Now, if I can only get academic credit for drinking beer. :lol:

This is the exact idea you want to apply to your occupation so life stays fun!! - the beer part too! :loco:
Nice job! All the diggin musta taken mega hours. I like the verification via "Ticket stub!" :headbang: I take it that those ticket stubs are yours. I'm sure all of us could add to that "Proof" verification. It'd be interesting to see what kind of info starts pouring in on your email with this. Keep with it.
pretty soon we'll be callin ya dr. darthrya :worship:
wow your sources are very thorough!!
:lol: Someone else at the Maiden Fans United board said the same thing! In June, I'll have my master's completed and I call it quits for a while. I'm trying to find a good doctorate program on the west coast that will support my beer history research. Maybe I'll end up back in California and be able to see the Maidens on their own turf. :headbang:
I'm in the Reserves now, so that's why I had time. But, the active component has programs that pull you away from duty while you pursue an advanced degree. I think it's required for all general officers to have a doctorate.
Well, it's rewarding to see your OBSESSION has merit.:lol:

Good on ya, Ryan.

Beer-ology ..... most major cities have regional brewerys, you should consider an apprenticeship, or at least, a taster's job.:kickass:
Beer-ology ..... most major cities have regional brewerys, you should consider an apprenticeship, or at least, a taster's job.:kickass:
A brewer's work is long hours and little pay. Not my thing, really. I still want to work in the industry, but more on the corporate side working advocacy and legal issues while getting liquid perks. :p
I'm hoping to score a copywriter position for one of the larger breweries in my area: Redhook, Pyramid, or Widmer.