i got crabs at Harry A's


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Apr 11, 2002
Where you live
So after like 8pm, we went out to walk on the beach and there were these tiny white crabs crawling over the white sand that you couldn't really see very well until you almost step on them and they run away. these little bastards must be some of the fastest things i've ever seen. my gf screams every time she sees one. it's funny.

today i made strawberry daquaris for the womenfolk.


Last night we hung out at a bar called Harry A's. That is indeed the name of the establishment. Amazing. The first place we went to had about 15 completely drunk people and a cover band with a guitar player who played metal solos on an ibanez guitar through a zz topp song. it smelled like a sewer. so Harry A's was way better, believe it or not (it's a small island, so there's really only a few bars). Big outdoor stage with a courtyard and a fountain. Their cover band played Violent Femmes, old soul stuff, and even Beastie Boys. We may even go back tonight. I had Red Stripe for the first time- although it was the American Red Stripe- i've been told the Jamaican ones (like the bottles you get in Jamaica) are different, maybe less safe for some reason?

Can anyone elaborate?