I got mine, now you go get yours!


That's gonna leave a mark
Dec 13, 2002
Spokane, WA
I just pre-ordered a copy of Little Doll's front woman and Rock Star, INXS survivor Deanna Johnston's re-issued CD. According to Deanna I was her 1st customer on her website! :rock: So, grab your Pay Pal and head over to deannajohnston.net or for you Myspacers... catch her here http://www.myspace.com/deannajohnston she has samples up on both sites. Tasty stuff, esp. if you like people like Melissa Etheridge.
alanbirdsell said:
I just pre-ordered a copy of Little Doll's front woman and Rock Star, INXS survivor Deanna Johnston's re-issued CD.............

Little Dolls retired singer. ;) She's fully devoting her time to her original work at this point, tho they are doing covers as a side project with the same band. Either way, she's still a little doll to us. Okay, I admit, that was really gay! :loco: