I got my WA plates today


Aug 21, 2002
Oly, WA
but wtf is up with this state not having a DMV and only "Departments of Licensing". I actually got 'em at a auto license office inside a mail/fed-ex/keymaking store. weird.

I've also been mostly disappointed by all the restaurants we've eaten at. Nothing totally horrible, just woefully mediocre. Oh-well, I knew it wouldn't be Berkeley. At least we can cook.

But the beer. mmmmmmmmm. So much beer. For cheap. $2-3 drafts everywhere for micros.
good point! I wasn't thinking about it like that.

on another positive note: the downtown post office is easily the nicest, cleanest, most spacious PO I've ever been in. Even the clerks were nice.
Where do you people live? Both my hometown mail clerks are nicest adults I've ever met. One is my best friend's father and the other tried to get me to date his daughter.