I got thrown out of Headway today


The Post Master
Jul 3, 2003
Manchester, England, UK
Headway http://www.headway.org.uk is a place where people who've had brain injuries go and socialise.

You'd expect a charity like that to be understanding towards peoplkes difficulties and not try and make them look and feel inferior.

At Headway I am not involved in any conversations, my comments are always ignored unless I make sure they get heard and there is this one member called Richard who thinks he's superior because he was a medical student at Cambridge University and he always tells people how stupid they are and poor at games. There is also this girl called Jessica who thinks i'm making things up and can't see anything beyond her little world.

Today i'd had enough. I managed to provoke Richard by crowding infront of him. He got so annoyed, he threatened to smash my face in. I burst out in laughter, to such an extent that I couldn't carry on provoking even though I really wanted to. Another incident happened where I was disrupting their game of pool by taking the white and pocketing the balls at random times. I got thrown out when one of the people in charge caught me putting the black in the pocket.

What do you think to this event? Discuss.
J. said:
So you're saying they should be more understanding of assholes that purposely provoke others?

Well if they don't listen to my opinions, comments/suggestions then I have no choice but to provoke and they know I suffer from Asperger's Syndrome and shouldn't they be understanding of some of the social difficulties I have?
Profanity said:
Well if they don't listen to my opinions, comments/suggestions then I have no choice but to provoke and they know I suffer from Asperger's Syndrome and shouldn't they be understanding of some of the social difficulties I have?
If that's the type of forum it is, then yes. But with the internet maybe people think saying you have AS is just an excuse to act in such ways? I dunno.
So you think provoking them into arguments will make them listen to you in the future?

Having this syndrome is no excuse to act like an idiot, and is not a "get-out-of-jail-free-card" when it comes to provoking people. Instead of thinking something is wrong with the others, why don't you try to learn why they are ignoring you. Maybe it's because you try to use your illness as an excuse.
Persons with AS show marked deficiencies in social skills, have difficulties with transitions or changes and prefer sameness. They often have obsessive routines and may be preoccupied with a particular subject of interest. They have a great deal of difficulty reading nonverbal cues (body language) and very often the individual with AS has difficulty determining proper body space. Often overly sensitive to sounds, tastes, smells, and sights, the person with AS may prefer soft clothing, certain foods, and be bothered by sounds or lights no one else seems to hear or see.

This sounds very vague, how exactly did you get diagnosed with this?

But this thread is really fucking funny. I am not sure I like this talk in third person, and there is some weirdness happening here, but Profanity gracing us with his posts surely legitamized us a top forum on RC :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I got diagnosed after my brain injury (25ft fall when drunk) when my behaviour turned wild but my parents were sure there was an underlying problem. I then went to see a specialist who gave me a diagnosis.
Are you saying that this diagnosis is secondary to a closed head injury, or that your condition went undiagnosed until that time?